Wednesday, 3 February 2016

DBA: Brainstorming

Tom, Mo and I had a meeting, using the time to really focus on background research of the project. We knew that we wanted to have a sound understanding of what we were designing, what it meant and who it would be for. Since being briefed the day before, we spent our time apart to each create mood boards looking at different elements of an identity, Looking briefly at elements we would have to design.
Mo collected logos and images that connoted an aesthetic style, vision, movement and identity. He also had a heavy focus on uniform design, an area that he continues to specialise in, fashion.

Tom also collected logos of successful design, that looked at movement, looping and deeper concepts. I focused on the visual feel of the 'Hyperloop' - stations, 'the future', economically friendly design and colour schemes appropriate. After talking through what we our boards and what we wanted our identity to do.

We then began a huge brainstorming session, looking at what the Hyperloop, as a muse of transport, as an invention, means and connotes to potential commuters. We broke down the Hyperloop into four words: connection, future, efficient and community. 
We wanted to create a vocabulary for the hyperloop, personalise and give it an actual identity, rather than begin to assign colours, and markings with no real prior thought. From a plethora of words, we narrowed down those that we wanted to keep and discarded those that strayed too far from the original words. It is these words that will carry us through the design phase as 'Core Values'.

CarrierBreak throughFactualJoin
Union (unity, unite)GrowthTowardCentre
Bind TogetherForwardProductiveCommune