Friday, 13 February 2015

Level 5: Hand Written Logo

I began by writing out my name. The sans type was not personal enough. Though I like that style, I know I would like to advertise myself as versatile. I used the pen tool to trace the curves of my writing. All strokes were rounded and bulked up to a 2pt weight. 1pt was too harsh and the curves did not feel as natural, digitally. I worked in red so it was easily visible against the black biro.

In some places, I use the name 'Billie Holiday'; the blues singer I was named after. I know my name is incredibly unique and automatically, whenever i've introduced myself to people think of it they think of 'Billie Holiday'. This is as good an idea. It's misleading, and is associated with music not design.

I then changed the context of it, writing' Billie Maybe Holiday. I like the play on 'Holiday' without involving it in my name. In terms of writing, this was also my favourite. It flows and it is personal.

I then moved on to make the words more readable. At this point I strayed away from my writing and used handles to make the letters more legible.
This is the before and After. The second version is much more readable. The letters are better formed and rounded. I also added the tittle to the two 'i' which is something that is missing from my own handwriting.
The design was altered to read better from left to right. Also I added a hyphen. This again, let it read better. "Billie - Maybe Holiday" The break helped the message read clearly and not as a clump of information. I also changed the colour from the red to black.

The red colour gives a 50s diner vibe. Though not an intentional colour, It is more exciting that the black, which leads me to want to explore the design more with colour.