Explain who you are, your values, your identity, your purpose...in terms of who you are as you, a person not who you are in terms of graphic design.
This is telling, not selling.
This is telling, not selling.
- Task one: Know who you are
- Task two: Communicate it
You should use this opportunity to showcase you.
Once you know what you want to say, impress us with how you say, show and present it. Use your creative skills to communicate what you want to say; from poetry to a poster any medium is appropriate.
Your story is of course a work in progress, it’s still being written. Focus on your journey to date, a suggestion perhaps of what’s to come.
Once you know what you want to say, impress us with how you say, show and present it. Use your creative skills to communicate what you want to say; from poetry to a poster any medium is appropriate.
Your story is of course a work in progress, it’s still being written. Focus on your journey to date, a suggestion perhaps of what’s to come.
- Telling
adjective: telling
1. having a striking or revealing effect; significant.
"a telling argument against this theory"
“I shall tell you this story”
revealing, convincing, persuasive, - Selling
verb: selling
1. give or hand over (something) in exchange for money.
"they had sold the car"
“I need to sell you something”
trade, barter, exchange.
A crude mind map showing the negative and positive aspects of myself that have the most impact on my life and therefore, the most impact on my work.

Practical: I’m a very practical person. I like to deal with the task at hand. I don’t think much for next steps to come, if i am thinking about the futute it usually involves sheer panic and fear.
Passionate: This was originally ‘Kind’, but I feel like it’s not a title you can give yourself, cause it comes off as arrogant and therefore contradicts the aspect of ‘being kind’. I’m very passionate about everything. My friends, the people I love, my work, when i’m not hating it and the impression I leave on people. I like to spread joy and happniess and treat people as I would want to be treated
Sick & Solitary: I like being on my own more that anything. I can sit in my own company for unhealthy periods of time. I find strangers and even friends at times very stressfull and uncomfortable through no fault of my own. Being on my own allows me to think a lot, sometimes too much, but it’s often when my ideas come, and manifest themselves.
Along with that are my own person stuggles, and my own ‘black dog’ that had beaten me over the course of this course. It completley informed my work last year, and by that I mean it made me not want to do it. I only mention it beacuse it’s such a massive part of my life and how I deal with the work and tasks asked of me. Hopefully, this year will be better and I can us work as a way out of the wormhole, as supposed to it being the catalyst that sends me there.
Cats: A segway from the dark dark place that is sadness is my kitten, and my overall love for cats.They bring me momentus amounts of joy. She affects my work as one; a procrastination tool, and two; by sitting/sleeping on my keyboard to prevent me from doing my work.
Equalist/Minorty: I’m becoming increasingly aware that I’m the only one in the studio. This has never bothered me or actively affected me and still doesn’t, but it is something that is apparent. I hasn;t ever really informed my work, but in terms of vaules and processes I have been involved in programs to encourage more young people from minorty background get into the arts. I think it’s something, when approaching my want to teach and facilitate.
Gamer: I’m an avid gamer and it is something i’m aware I talk about a lot but again it is the one thing that informs my work the most. Maybe not in terms of style but they were the one thing that springboarded my love for all things creative. I started playing a 4 and it’s the one thing that made me love anything art, anything design, anything enaging. It’s definatley because of this that I am here doing this now.

Practical: I’m a very practical person. I like to deal with the task at hand. I don’t think much for next steps to come, if i am thinking about the futute it usually involves sheer panic and fear.
Passionate: This was originally ‘Kind’, but I feel like it’s not a title you can give yourself, cause it comes off as arrogant and therefore contradicts the aspect of ‘being kind’. I’m very passionate about everything. My friends, the people I love, my work, when i’m not hating it and the impression I leave on people. I like to spread joy and happniess and treat people as I would want to be treated
Sick & Solitary: I like being on my own more that anything. I can sit in my own company for unhealthy periods of time. I find strangers and even friends at times very stressfull and uncomfortable through no fault of my own. Being on my own allows me to think a lot, sometimes too much, but it’s often when my ideas come, and manifest themselves.
Along with that are my own person stuggles, and my own ‘black dog’ that had beaten me over the course of this course. It completley informed my work last year, and by that I mean it made me not want to do it. I only mention it beacuse it’s such a massive part of my life and how I deal with the work and tasks asked of me. Hopefully, this year will be better and I can us work as a way out of the wormhole, as supposed to it being the catalyst that sends me there.
Cats: A segway from the dark dark place that is sadness is my kitten, and my overall love for cats.They bring me momentus amounts of joy. She affects my work as one; a procrastination tool, and two; by sitting/sleeping on my keyboard to prevent me from doing my work.
Equalist/Minorty: I’m becoming increasingly aware that I’m the only one in the studio. This has never bothered me or actively affected me and still doesn’t, but it is something that is apparent. I hasn;t ever really informed my work, but in terms of vaules and processes I have been involved in programs to encourage more young people from minorty background get into the arts. I think it’s something, when approaching my want to teach and facilitate.
Gamer: I’m an avid gamer and it is something i’m aware I talk about a lot but again it is the one thing that informs my work the most. Maybe not in terms of style but they were the one thing that springboarded my love for all things creative. I started playing a 4 and it’s the one thing that made me love anything art, anything design, anything enaging. It’s definatley because of this that I am here doing this now.
Coaster: I’m very aware that I don’t try nearly as hard as I’ve needed to over the lifespan that is academics. Maybe it’s a habit of laziness, or perhaps it’s just where I am most comfortable. I’ve come to accept it, it’s not a particularly attractive quality, but I’d like to exceed my own expectations this year, rather than just hit the criteria needed.
Poet/Singer: Again, I’ve always been a creative person. I come from a family of actors/musical directors and games designers; there is the running joke that none of us have any real jobs. I’ve always been surrounded by the arts and i’m not the black sheep of my family by choosing a creative subject. It’s very much encouraged, and growing up in such en environment has only propelled my love for the topic. Before comming here I was a touring actor and though I miss it, I’m glad to be sitting down and desiging things, rather than throwing myself around the country squwling 16th century prose.
Teacher: My job back home on and off is being a workshop facilitator. Me and my fellow work peoples deliever workshops to young people (14-25) about creative writing. This has been a large part of my life and ultimaley over summer I decided that this is what I want to do. I’d like to go into education, in any way shape or form. Studio culture doesn’t appeal to me as much as I thought it did in first & second year. I think the big thing this year will be making the change, and using PP to get me to where I’d like to be in the career aspect.
Poet/Singer: Again, I’ve always been a creative person. I come from a family of actors/musical directors and games designers; there is the running joke that none of us have any real jobs. I’ve always been surrounded by the arts and i’m not the black sheep of my family by choosing a creative subject. It’s very much encouraged, and growing up in such en environment has only propelled my love for the topic. Before comming here I was a touring actor and though I miss it, I’m glad to be sitting down and desiging things, rather than throwing myself around the country squwling 16th century prose.
Teacher: My job back home on and off is being a workshop facilitator. Me and my fellow work peoples deliever workshops to young people (14-25) about creative writing. This has been a large part of my life and ultimaley over summer I decided that this is what I want to do. I’d like to go into education, in any way shape or form. Studio culture doesn’t appeal to me as much as I thought it did in first & second year. I think the big thing this year will be making the change, and using PP to get me to where I’d like to be in the career aspect.