They decided to start their own studio straight out of 3rd year, doing an internship in New York.
“You have to make people aware that you exist. Be memorable"
They began by creating sticker logos to put around manchester, just getting their name out there. They then moved on and began creating mailers, sent out in medicinal paper bags, all in theme with the concept of their name.
“Your mailers should stand out, and be different. Make something they have to interact with"
From that they advanced again, creating postcards that gained them work with companies including a record label.
Being inspired by work seen at an Air BnB they were staying at, they decided to create a collage a day. This gained great momentum and they sold them for £10 a piece, having buyers from all around the world.
Soon afterward they published a book with all the collage. Additionally, they have a created a collection of the collages including 7 original ones for Choice Cuts exhibited at HOME in manchester.

"Get your work out there, that way, people will begin to find you."Collage helped them to evolve their style. They went on to create posters for MIDI Festival.
"Get into the habit of signing your work, so people will being to recognise it"